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CCDA Practice Tests - 640-441 About CCSA certification: The CheckPoint Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) certificat
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License: Shareware
Version: 2.5
System: Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $24.95
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Downloads: 1283
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 23, 2005
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CCDA Practice Tests - 640-441

CCSA certification: The CheckPoint
Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) certification is designed as a
foundation level certification. A CCSA can install and manage basic tasks of
Check Point`s VPN-1/FireWall-1¿ installation, and configuration. Next level of
CheckPoint certification is CCSE - Check Point Certified Security Engineer.
Check Point CCSA certification is very popular among various certifications
available from Check Point. CCSA is available in two tracks, CCSA 2000 and CCSA
NG. Please visit the product page at:



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